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6 ways to Choose The Best Air Purifier

In Today’s world, when the quality of air is becoming worst the significance of air purifier cannot be ignored. There are various factors which are responsible for causing air pollution like increasing traffic on roads, rapid industrialization construction activities, toxic fumes and chemicals of some appliances and so on. Due to increasing level of air pollution, the incidents of air borne diseases are on the rise. This has resulted in people suffering from asthma, kidneys and lungs malfunctioning, allergies and many other health hazards. The air inside as well as outside is equally polluted but still there is some respite outdoors due to nature’s own way of cleaning. For improving the quality indoors air purifier is the best solution. Many people fail to realize that inside air is more deadly than outside air and we spend most of our time indoors only. Indoor air pollutants like residues, paint fumes, smoke from cooking, accumulated dust, cleaning agents can be really dangerous and have serious consequences on our health. Every year the quality of air gets more deteriorating than the previous year. This issue of air pollution is not only a concern of one city anymore rather it has become a global challenge. The poor quality of air is more likely to have adverse effects on young children and diseased or elderly people who already have a weak immune system. The pollution which is visible to us becomes an issue of concern like outdoor pollution. But we often ignore indoor air contamination because we cannot actually see it. So sparing some time to think about ways to improve the air quality will prove beneficial for us and the one most preferred solution is air purifier. A good quality and an efficient air purifier plays a vital role in making the air clean, fresh and healthy. Also make sure to keep your surroundings clean, dry and dust free. Investment in air purifier is the best decision when your health is concerned and you won’t regret this decision. But taking the right decision about which type of air purifier should be installed is cumbersome. Today the market is flooded with so many different variants of air purifier but you need to decide the purpose for which you need it. A thorough survey before buying the one can save from unnecessary hassles later. Always remember that air purifier is not a substitute for medication and is also not a magic solution to any problem rather it is just a device to purify the air by making it breathable. Go for the air purifier which fulfills your requirements.

The below listed guidelines can certainly help you in choosing the most effective and pocket friendly air purifier. The most significant factor to keep in mind while choosing an air purifier is the area which you need to purify and the purpose for which you require it. If you have a large room go for the bigger size of the device and if size is small then go for the compact one. All air purifiers come with recommended room size. For ceiling height of 2.2m, the rate of 3 air charges per hour is ideal. It is considered consistent with normal flow of air and provides comprehensive level of air cleaning

  1. Make sure that your air purifier has a HEPA (sigh Efficiency Particulate Air) filter as it is tested and certified.Filter is the principal component of air purifier and determines its effectiveness. It should have pre-filter to remove harmful particles at the initial filtration stage. One thing to remember here is that the cost of replacing filter is actually dear so look for the device with less number of filters. For maintenance of filter’s life and efficiency it should be changed on a regular basis. Look for filter replacement indicator to ensure good life of your device. Also having activated charcoal in the air purifier helps in removing harmful gases and bad odor.
  2. Whenever you plan to buy an air purifier, pay proper attention to its performance. An air purifier with higher level of CADR (Clean Air Delivery Rate) is better because it has a good filtration capacity. This level show how much and how quickly clean air is coming out of the purifier. In addition to CADR, also check its ACH (Air Changes per Hour). It helps to determine how quick and often air purifier can clean the room in an hour. Ensure that your device has four ACH as it needs to constantly clean the air every 15 minutes. Consider the overall quality of product and  select wisely the product which has not only high coverage area capacity but also low level of ACH.
  3. An air purifier with less or no sound is more preferred by especially people who are sensitive to noise. Even in bedroom many of us would prefer a    silent device. Some air purifiers have small fan which produce a little noise and some are totally silent. But mostly people go for the one which    doesn’t disturb their sleep. Also along with this it should be high on pocket too. Running the purifier at the highest speed can produce loud sound        which can be irritating so it is always better to run it at a slow speed. The main purpose of air purifier is to circulate fresh air throughout the room so    opt for fan size as per your need as there are appropriate settings with comfortable level of noise.
  4. Apart from functioning and effectiveness of air purifier, the other major factor which cannot be ignored is the operating cost. At the time of choosing the best air purifier, evaluate the operating as well as maintenance cost. Remember that you need to replace activated carbon filter once in three months and HEPA filter annually, so decide if can you incur such cost. You might also need to pay service charges or get any damaged part replaced and for that also you must keep the provision. Gather complete information about the product, its cost and the amount you might need to spend later in case of any damage. Check for the feasibility of the product in terms of money’s worth.
  5. Last but not the least the other most significant factor on which we need to pay need is the type of pollutants we want to remove to purify the air. There are different variants of air purifier and depending on their make andmodel you can find out their capability of removing impurities like pollen, moulds,dust, mites, pet dander, bacteria, virus, foul odors and smoke, chemicals and volatile organic compounds. All these types of harmful pollutants are dangerous. You just need to decide the purpose for which you want an air purifier and get the product of your choice as well as choose the one serving your purpose. So, it is really important for you to know what exactly you desire whenever you plan to buy any air purifier, look carefully for its technical features and overall performance. The most significant factor which can be used for judging the performance of the product is its filter and its processing. There are many types of air purifiers available in the market but iconic filters are not much preferred because in portable air purifiers it produces ozone as a by- product which is not at all safe. It can pose threat to human health. Another factor which can help us in selecting an optimal device is CADR( clean air delivery rate). It helps in measuring the effectiveness of air purifier in removing particulate matter from air at a defined rate of flow. Different models of air purifiers are meant for eliminating different sizes of pollutants. Larger particles being heavier are more difficult to get processed before they settle down. Smaller pollutants require specific filtercs. CADR is measured in terms of smoke, dust and pollen.

One of the most useful features of an air purifier is that it is portable and can be moved from one place to another. Most of the air purifiers have HEPA( high efficiency particulate air) filters which can remove ultrafine particles from air making it pure. These filters are needed to be replaced annually which increase the cost. So now cleanable HEPA filters are available. Air purifiers also help in removing allergens which can make people suffer from dome serious allergies. The heavier allergens settle down on furniture, furnishings and flooring. So air purifier is the only first good option. An effective air purifier is the one which can circulate good quality air throughout the specific area and for that it must have a powerful motor and fan. The time that an air purifier takes to cycle through the air in room is known as ‘air exchange’. The more the ACH (Air Exchange Per Hour), the better air quality in that area. The number of Air Exchange is determined by Volume (Cubic feet) and CFM (Cubic Foot per minute) output of air purifier. Ideal air exchange per hour is between 4 to 6. In addition to all the factors and points discussed above the important thing which needs to be talked about is the placement of the product. In case of large rooms with very high ceilings, the exhaust of air purifier should be in the direct vicinity of people present in the room. As lot of additional expenditure is involved in buying an air purifier like cost of electricity, filter replacement and operation, so look for the model which has Energy star rating and is comparatively energy efficient. Also, it is very important to keep the filter clean or get it replaced at regular intervals because dusty or clogged filter will not allow the functioning of the device. For a quiet and efficient performance, make sure to pick a larger unit and run it at a slower speed.When you are buying an air purifier for your room check that it has an appropriate size of fan as it makes the device work efficiently; it has a service indicator so that you can know when the product requires servicing; it has an easy to carry handle; it has a washable and reusable pre filter which can clean off the large particulate material and can cut down the replacement cost; if the device has an ionizer be very sure that it doesn’t create ozone which is extremely harmful gas; it has sensors to track the level of dirt and dust and accordingly adjusts the fan speed.

6 ways to Choose The Best Air Purifier

Air purifier is a boon in improving the quality of indoor air. It creates a healthy environment for everyone and prevents people from getting allergies or other types of respiratory diseases. The best air purifier is the one which uses HEPA technology and has anti- bacterial coating. It should have the capacity to purify indoor air instantly. It should also have a monitoring system to adjust the clean flow of air according to the air quality. Buy your product from the reputef manufacturer only. Thoroughly analyse the product details and check for the terms of warranty to avoid any future issues. Don’t forget to ask about the after sale service to avoid any inconveniences later. It can be said that air purifier is a sure shot way to clean the pollution from room and keep the level of particulate matter low. Whenever you plan to buy an air purifier don’t compromise on quality as design can be ignored. Now after complete analysis of the air purifier you can weigh the good features of the device and opt the best one for you.

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